Sunday, July 25, 2010

Day #2 - Do you know the muffin man?

The team's success on day 2 can only be attributed to Celeste, the muffin man. If you ever are fortunate enough to come to Marblehead, be sure to visit The Muffin Shop on Washington Street. John recommends the chocolate chip muffin and Russ recommends the tripple berry.

The weather conditions thus far have not been aligned with the forecast or local knowledge. Haze and converging pressure systems decreased the chance of a normal sea breeze. This left the conditions very light early in the day (3-6 knots), which peaked around 8-10 in the afternoon.

Despite these non-San Francician conditions, the team performed well. In the first race, both StFYC boats had solid front row starts near the pin and tacked early to the right, which paid all day. After rounding the weather mark in the top third, both boats worked their way through the fleet on the subsequent legs. Russ finished in second and Ethan finished in 7th.

The second and third races were almost carbon copies of the first race, with starts at or near the committee boat followed by a quick tack onto port, as the pressure and shifts went left all day. Team Russ managed a 2-3-1 for the day and is tied for third with a clump of boats. The top 5 boats are within a few points of eachother. Team Ethan is in the top half, as they got caught up in a stack in the last start and was scored OCS.

Day three is starting off sunny and hot with a windy off-shore flow, which should make the last couple of races very exciting today. A final report will follow after the day's racing takes place.

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