Monday, August 16, 2010

Hinman Grandmasters Team Racing Regatta - Newport, RI

Not to be confused with the Hinman Masters regatta (with younger minimum age limits) the inaugural Grandmasters Team Race was sailed last weekend at NYYC’s Harbour Court in Newport with an impressive group of sailors. Veteran Americas Cup competitors, world champions and just plain old fast guys were abundant.

Targeted to offer continuing high level competition to the large number of experienced veteran team racers, the Grandmasters event saw great breezes, friendly camaraderie and intense competition. Skippers were at least 55 years old, with crew in the 45+ range.

Some stats from the weekend:

TOTAL Competitors - 60
TOTAL number of races - 51 (three round-robins and a mini championship round-robin)
TOTAL Advil consumed - 517
Average age - ageless!

1st Noroton YC 4 10 8 4 26
2nd New York YC 2 8 8 4 22
3rd American YC 4 4 6 4 18
4th Southern YC 2 4 4 0 10
5th St. Francis YC 2 2 4 8
6th St. Pete YC 1 2 0 3

Even thought the results were not what we hoped for, the team racing bug was set in motion and the desire for improvement and vindication is burning. We were so close, so often. Due to a scoring mishap we ended up fifth when a final tally should have put us in 4th and a chance to sail the final mini round robin for a possible 3rd. Lesson learned...keep track of your scores! Mark, Bill and Jennifer are returning this weekend to Newport, RI for the well known Hinman Masters regatta. Wish us good luck with the fresh experience of the Grandmasters!

The format was 3-on-3 team racing in Sonars with no spinnakers

StFYC Team Members
Mark Adams
Bill Dana
Jon Andron
Jennifer Dunbar
Tad Lacey
Paul Heineken
Rick A Wallace
Roland Van der Meer
Spencer Fulweiler

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