Thursday, September 23, 2010

Prepping for the US Team Racing Championships

Hello race fans!

Big Boat Series and the NYYC Invitational may have come to a close but that doesnt mean that the Team Racing season is over. Far from it! Team St.FYC will be attending the US Team Racing Championships for the George R. Hinman Trophy (the short name is the Hinman) which will be held at Seattle Yacht Club from September 30-October 3. If you live in the Seattle area, stop on by and watch some exciting team racing in the south end of Lake Union.

Team St.FYC for the event is:
Holt Condon with Melanie Roberts
Edward Conrad with Kristin Maberry
Harrison Turner with Jess Barhydt

Other St.FYC members sailing are (team name in parenthesis):
Avery Patton (Treasure Island Pirates)
Natasha Baker (Treasure Island Pirates)
Sally Madsen (Treasure Island Pirates)
Molly O'Bryan Vandemoer (San Diego Yacht Club)
Jen Morgan Glass (Seattle Sideshow)

Information for the regatta is at:

Check back for photos and reports!

St. Francis Team Racing

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