Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Team STFYC at NYYC Invitational US Qualifier - Day 1

Good morning! Team StFYC, on site in Newport since Saturday night, has finished three days of training with our coach Ed Adams, and is ready for day 1 of racing! Commodore & Mrs Sneary arrived last night to lead the support squad.

During the boat & fleet draw on Tuesday morning, we were assigned to the Red group, along with Indian Harbor, Eastern, Long Beach, Fishing Bay, Southern, St. Pete, Ft. Worth, Rochester, Larchmont, San Diego, and Annapolis Yacht Clubs. The other 12 teams are in the Blue Group.

For the first half of the racing day, StFYC will be racing a Sonar, then will rotate into the J-22 for the afternoon. Practice in the race boats on Tuesday was challenging, in lots of SF type breeze (but warm wind! and water, as the team laid the J-22 on it's side!)

Our team is confident & ready for this regatta - we need to place top 6 in our group in the two days of preliminary racing, to qualify for the Championship fleet for Friday & Saturday, then to place in the top three to qualify for the 2011 NYYC Invitational.

With all corinthian teams from 24 of the nations best yacht clubs, this will be a great week of racing.

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