Monday, April 12, 2010

Baldwin Cup, Banquet Recap

On Saturday night, the Newport Harbor Yacht Club held the traditional regatta banquet. Dress was "Yachting Formal" (blazers and ties) and the spread put on by NHYC was impressive. Each team had a table (some had two tables) spread across the ballroom at NHYC. The food at the dinner was amazing but the atmosphere was the highlight of the night. The fine folks at Southern Yacht Club started off the evening with a toast to the rest of the competitors, the umpires, the host club, and everyone else involved with the regatta. The night then went into the infamous joke telling that is always a hit at these regattas. After Southern told a hilarious joke, we were interrupted by Captain Jack Sparrow from the Disney movie series The Pirates of the Caribbean. Captain Jack went around the room, toasting each team and fostering a festive environment. The event was a lot of fun and definitely a highlight of the regatta. Pictures (hopefully) to come.

Stay tuned for the final day recap!

St. Francis Team Racing

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