Saturday, April 10, 2010

Baldwin Cup, Day 2 Recap

What a great day of racing in Newport Harbor. The morning clouds over the harbor quickly gave way to sunny skies and a great 7 knot breeze that stayed with us all day. Newport Harbor went all out for this event with commentary from fellow team racers and a steel drum band providing a festive atmosphere that you could really feel out on the course.

For the St. Francis team, we started out with a race against our neighbors on the bay, San Francisco Yacht Club. This races was very hotly contested (they all seem to be) with San Francisco pulling out a victory right in the last 10 feet of the course. A tough race for St. Francis but a great showing by SFYC.

Our second race of the day saw us against Southern Yacht Club. This one was over as it started as the St. Francis team struggled to get off of the starting line and Southern sailed away with a comfortable win. After this race, our first round robin was complete and we found ourselves 4-5 for 4 points and tied for 5th.

This is where things get interesting. The races in the second round robin are worth 2 points so just about every team is still in the regatta. St. Francis caught fire early and started out with 3 solid wins over San Diego Yacht Club, New York Yacht Club, and Balboa Yacht Club. Our last two races of the day were barn burners with Seattle Yacht Club and the hosts, Newport Beach Yacht Club. As we stepped off of the boats after the last two races, we were told by the commentators that those were the best two races of the day. Unfortunately both were losses for St. Francis but exciting races none the less!

So as of now, St. Francis sits with 10 points and is tied for 4th. Tomorrow we will complete the round robin and move into Semi-Finals and Finals if time permits. Stay tuned!

St. Francis Team Racing

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