Saturday, April 24, 2010

Jackson Cup Day 1 Mid-Day Report

Hello team racing fans! This is Team St. Francis Yacht Club coming to you from Marblehead, MA for the 2010 Jackson Cup at Boston Yacht Club.

After a brief skippers meeting, the racing got underway around 9:30 am in a great 8 knot Northwesterly breeze. St. Francis started out strong with wins against hometown Boston Yacht Club and New York Yacht Club (after they sailed through the restricted starting line). After that, we sailed against Royal Thames Yacht Club from London, UK and lost a heartbreaker to the gents from across the pond. Our next race we handily beat another hometown club Corinthian Yacht Club. We concluded the round robin with losses to Eastern Yacht Club (Marblehead, MA), Seahawankea Yacht Club (Oyster Bay, NY) and Southern Yacht Club (New Orleans, LA). After the first round robin, we are currently 3-4 but in a 3 way tie for 4th place.

Around 1 PM we rolled immediately into round robin 2 where we repeated the same schedule but switched boats. We started with solid wins against Boston YC and New York YC and currently sit 5-4.

The Jackson Cup is a 3 on 3 team race in Sonars at Boston Yacht Club in Marblehead, MA. Sailing for Team St. Francis is Mark Adams with crew Julie Papanek and Rolf Kaiser, Holt Condon with Bill Dana and Ethan Doyle and Harrison Turner with crew Alexis Zebrowski, Jennifer Dunbar, and Cindy Keppel.

Stay tuned for photos and more updates from the water!

St. Francis Team Racing

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