Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Preparing for Jackson Cup

After a weekend off, the St. Francis Yacht Club Team Racers are preparing for Jackson Cup. Jackson Cup is a 3 on 3 team race in sonars (without spinnakers) held at Boston Yacht Club in Marblehead, MA. The event has drawn international participation as the Royal Thames Yacht Club (London, UK) will be there along with New York Yacht Club, Corinthian Yacht Club (Marblehead, MA), Eastern Yacht Club (Marblehead, MA), defending champions Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club (Oyster Bay, NY), and our good friends Southern Yacht Club (New Orleans, LA). The St. Francis team for the event is: Mark Adams, Jennifer Dunbar, Bill Dana, Holt Condon, Rolf Kaiser, Ethan Doyle, Harrison Turner, Cindy Keppel, Alexis Zebrowski, Julie Papanek and Shannon Bonds. Most of us will be flying out Thursday night on the redeye and practice on Friday. Racing begins on Saturday, April 24th and will run through Sunday.

Check out the Boston Yacht Club website for updates as well as this blog.

St. Francis Team Racing

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